Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Who I Am Reflects Just About Everything

Lately, I’ve seen, always more frequently, that people say a lot of things they don’t know anything about. They point, they judge, they condemn, and they make other people believe in what they say. Everyone believes in thoughts and opinions after all. But the fact is that there’s a truth. There is always a truth.
I believe we should know everything about ourselves before trying to give any opinion on anything and anyone else. Our opinions and points of view reflect who we are, and if we don’t know who we are, we can’t be sure of our own opinions, and we can’t explain them with any reason. For me, it feels annoying to be near people who don’t know themselves. They seem so blind that it bothers me. But there’s nothing you can show to someone who is blind. They just can’t see.
Sometimes I get impatient and ask myself, “How can anyone not know what they like, what they want and even what they think?” Who would be so nice to the point of letting you decide everything even when it has absolutely nothing to do with you but themselves? Maybe people just don’t want to see who they are. Maybe they don’t, because they simply don’t like who they are. In that case, there's one thing to find about: We are not someone that simply “is”, we are whoever we make of us, and in us. Those people live without confidence of whom they are, what they want and what they do. And I think that lack of confidence is the worst thing someone could ever live with.
You are who you want to be. If you are not, you make me feel like you just don't want to be anyone.
Make friends in life, help them and let them help you. But most importantly, make friends with yourself.
*missing Jessie*
Hey xoxozinhas,
Jessie is over here!!! I miss you to Ellen=/
My godness, that was deep...
I was reading it and I could almost hear Ellen's voice...It made me remeber about our long talks in the way back to Xenia on the weekends.
Xoxo, you know you are my favorite writer...
LoVe. Jessie
I miss you so much Jessie *_*
Mo is mad because you called her today and left a voicemail to ME ! LOL
we miss you XoxO
Ellen here =)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

how to make sure you are Brazilian...

Since Moni is having a great time in Brazil with her family, I wanna talk about our country and how we define ourselfs as BRAZILIANS!!!

>>You Know You're Brazilian When...
* You like Guarana better than Coke.
* If someone tells you to be at a certain place at 1:00 pm, you don't show up until 2:30 or 3:00 p.m.
* You know who Xuxa is because you have learned the alphabet with her.
* Your entire family goes to grandma's house on Sundays for a big family get together....even when you guys see one another everyday.
* BBQ means steak, sausage, chicken wings, pork,sirloin, rice,( farofa, molho,...)
*You are the loudest person in the room.
*You travel to Brazil and instead of taking a suitcase with all your stuff, you take presents for the entire family, the dog, the neighbor, not to mention the old/used clothes that you take just in case someone needs it or that you take to donate and make more room to bring back guarana.
* You live in Florida, New York, New Jersey,Ohio or Massachusetts (there's exceptions of course).
* You leave your house spotless when you have people coming over and you tell them"don't mind the mess".
* You understand but does not speak Spanish, but when you say a word in Portuguese no one understands you.
* You can dance better than anyone in the room.
* Your jokes are always about Portuguese people or people from Argentina. (sorry Paola)
* You take soccer too seriously.
* You know a lot about Samba, funk and Pagode.
* You`ve studied the history of almost every country.

* You eat rice and beans at least 7 days a week.
* Everyone thinks you're everything but Brazilian.
* You go to a bar and ask for salgadinhos with guarana.
* You know the years that Brazil has won the World Cup and you LOVE to talk about it.
* You wear havaianas..a lot! * You know how to play volleyball, footvolley and handball.
* You know what it's like to buy liquor without an ID.
* You know how to party, and if the party isn't over after 5am...its not a party!
* You know what feijoada and pave are.
* Your favorite drink is Guarana, Groselha or Caipirinha.
* You dress up to go to the supermarket.
* You are Brazilian and you never give up!
Voce e brazileiro e nao desiste nunca!
I got this from a BRAZILIAN friend and that's all truth!!!

ps:. super hug for Moni's MaeDoCorn, PaiDoCorn and IrmaoDoCorn!!!

LOOOL yes... After almost having been run over by a car and having been bitten by a crab and gone to the hospital, Monize's brother is still alive. She'll be back next Sunday by the way!!! yay!

Jessie, that's so brazilian! I found Guarana, Farofa, torrada Bauduco and Coconut Water at Jungle Jim's kkkk I love that place! This is Ellen here by the way kkkk And we had a so Brazilian Feijoada here yesterday, me, Talita, Lara, Vanessa, Lais, Geisi and Paola. We missed you and Monize a lot =(